Our blessings are all around us and we are encouraged in our fellowship as God continues to bless us.

The Pastoral Care committee is a very vibrant part of our church and its committee members and volunteers provide hours of service to the St. Mark’s Pastoral Charge. Some of these activities include:

  • Fellowship time after the morning worship has been very vibrant and heartwarming.
  • Visitation to hospitals, nursing homes, sick and shut in , in coordination with the minister, Rev. John Roy is a vital part of the contact with our people.
  • Easter Baskets and Christmas Baskets are delivered each year to these people.
  • Birthday cards are sent to those in our midst whom we know have reached the milestone of eighty plus years.
  • New worshipers are a highlight of our contacts.
  • Contact with our young people (students/new career youth) via a mailing at Easter and Christmas as encouragement note and cards is our means to include this age group.
  • A graduation breakfast for those graduating from High School each June has been an annual event to recognize their achievements.
  • The Prayer Shawl message has been very meaningful to those needing our care and concern. It is delivered with a letter of greeting to our friend, which includes words of encouragement, a Bible verse and a prayer to help in many times a difficult journey.

Happiness keeps you sweet,
Trials keep you strong,
Sorrows keep you human,
Failures keep you humble,
Success keeps you glowing,
But only God keeps you going!